Social Growth


We help businesses to effectively navigate and leverage the power of social media platforms

Increase Brand Awareness

Some Social Platforms We Work On

Each platform has its own unique features and audience

Connect with audience, promote your products

We build and engage with a targeted audience by creating and sharing relevant and valuable content and this can help to increase brand awareness

Our team can promote your products and services, and drive website traffic, which can lead to increased sales and revenue of your business with social media management .

Our team help businesses to stay up-to-date with industry trends, and track their competitors activities, which can help them to stay ahead of the competition.

New Marketing Leaders
Marketing Expert

Google PPC Expert

Get a free consultation about your new or ongoing PPC Campaigns

Social Media Management Strategy

Our strategy to increase brand awareness and engagement on various social media platforms

Define Goals

We create social media strategy by understanding what you want to achieve from it.We identify target audience and define goals such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic

Social Media Audit

Our team analyse your current social media presence, including your follower count, engagement rate, and content performance. This will help to identify areas for improvement on social media platforms

Choose right platform

Not all social media platforms are suitable for every business. Our team will Identify the platforms where your target audience is most active and focus on creating a presence on those platforms.

Develop Content Strategy

Our team will create a content calendar and plan out your business content in advance. This will help you stay consistent and ensure that we always sharing valuable content with business related audience.

Engage With Audience

We believe building relationships with your audience is key to social media success. Our team respond to comments , messages and direct messages in a timely manner and engage in conversations with your followers.

Measure your results

Our team use analytics tools to track your social media performance and measure the success of strategy for your business. And also analyze your metrics, such as engagement rate, follower count, and website traffic to understand what’s working and what’s not

Grow your traffic

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Increase your sales

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Sales Chart


Successful Rate

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Marketing Firm

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Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus.

Let’s Make Things Happen

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“The team at Avada Marketing Consultant is fabulous. They helped us unlock our potential online and offline. We have experienced year on year growth due to their progressive approach.”

George Anderson

Avada’s CEO

Maher Ahsan

Marketing Consultant Expert

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